WHM/cPanel di bobol orang

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sya jabarkan aja yg dr ZUBRAQ

# cPanel WHM Account Creator 1.1
# Visit http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/ for updates
# Required parameters:
# - domain - new account domain
# - user - new account username
# - password - new account password
# - package - new account hosting package (plan)
# - email - contact email
# Sample run: create-whm-account.php?domain=reseller.com&user=hosting&password=manager&package=unix_500
# If no parameters passed then input form will be shown to enter data.
# This script can also be run from another PHP script. This may
# be helpful if you have some user interface already in place and
# want to automatically create WHM accounts from there.
# In this case you have to setup following variables instead of
# passing them as parameters:
# - $user_domain - new account domain
# - $user_name - new account username
# - $user_pass - new account password
# - $user_plan - new account hosting package (plan)
# - $user_email - contact email

$whm_user   = "root";      // reseller username
$whm_pass   = "password";  // the password you use to login to WHM

##############          END OF SETTINGS. DO NOT EDIT BELOW    #######################

$whm_host   = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

function getVar($name, $def = '') {
  if (isset($_REQUEST[$name]))
    return $_REQUEST[$name];
    return $def;

// Domain name of new hosting account
// To create subdomain just pass full subdomain name
// Example: newuser.zubrag.com
if (!isset($user_domain)) {
  $user_domain = getVar('domain');

// Username of the new hosting account
if (!isset($user_name)) {
  $user_name = getVar('user');

// Password for the new hosting account
if (!isset($user_pass)) {
  $user_pass = getVar('password');

// New hosting account Package
if (!isset($user_plan)) {
  $user_plan = getVar('package');

// Contact email
if (!isset($user_email)) {
  $user_email = getVar('email');

// if parameters passed then create account
if (!empty($user_name)) {

  // create account on the cPanel server
  $script = "http://{$whm_user}:{$whm_pass}@{$whm_host}:2086/scripts/wwwacct";
  $params = "?plan={$user_plan}&domain={$user_domain}&username={$user_name}&password={$user_pass}&contactemail={$user_email}";
  $result = file_get_contents($script.$params);

  // output result
  echo "RESULT: " . $result;
// otherwise show input form
else {
$frm = <<<EOD
  <title>cPanel/WHM Account Creator</title>
    input { border: 1px solid black; }
<form method="post">
<h3>cPanel/WHM Account Creator</h3>
<table border="0">
<tr><td>Domain:</td><td><input name="domain" size="30"></td><td>Subdomain or domain, without www</td></tr>
<tr><td>Username:</td><td><input name="user" size="30"></td><td>Username to be created</td></tr>
<tr><td>Password:</td><td><input name="password" size="30"></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Package:</td><td><input name="package" size="30"></td><td>Package (hosting plan) name. Make sure you cpecify existing package</td></tr>
<tr><td>Contact Email:</td><td><input name="email" size="30"></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3"><br /><input type="submit" value="Create Account"></td></tr>
echo $frm;

Format bentuk script nya seperti itu dan ada sedikit modifikasi untuk pendaftaran dan pembuatan akun cPanel otomatis, terus hubungannya dengan ter-hack ??
Lha.. script form pendaftaran itu yang dikejar dan ingin dirusak oleh mereka, mereka bisa merusaknya ketika mereka sudah membuat akun satu server dengan script tersebut
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ini asumsi aja sih ya pak, mungkin ada sesuatu di pc jd ketika create akun akan terbaca user dan pass cpanel resell nya :D
scriptnya mash telanjang hehhe
Telanjang yang bagaimana ? padahal saya lihat melalui browser dengan klik kanan "view page source" kode username dan password tidak tampak. Terus cara membungkusnya ??
tidak di enscript maksudnya :D
di bungkus seperti whmcs pakai ioncube

btw, saya jg ada pake yg seperti ini,, msh telanjang jg :21:, tp hanya untuk keperluan create akun free,cpanel yg di pasang di salah satu vps hanya untuk siswa dan mahasiswa.. tdiak di publish sih
sampai skrng msh aman sentosa :D..
Luar biasa para master master ini, hal ini menyebabkan saya bertanya-tanya terus di kepala saya selama ini.
Ternyata.. itu toh permasalahannya
Jika memang telanjang, bagaimana caranya dia bisa melihat username+password nya ?
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