TANYA - Solusi agar email gak masuk SPAM BOX

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kalo ga masuk sama sekali ke email yahoo gmn ya pak? karena kalo ke gmail atau hotmail, masih bisa masuk :( dan saya selalu dapat email: , padahal kmrn masih bisa masuk ke spam folder (yahoo), skg malah ga masuk sama sekali :confused:

dgn subjek: Warning: message 1MEBya-0001ru-EE delayed 24 hours

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its
recipients after more than 24 hours on the queue on kadisoka.mahavikri.net.

The message identifier is: 1MEBya-0001ru-EE
The subject of the message is: Transfer problems

The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is:

[email protected]
(ultimately generated from [email protected])
Delay reason: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
host a.mx.mail.yahoo.com []: 451 Message temporarily deferred - [70]

No action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue for
some time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the message
remains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up,
and when that happens, the message will be returned to you.

mohon petunjuknya...
kalo ga masuk sama sekali ke email yahoo gmn ya pak? karena kalo ke gmail atau hotmail, masih bisa masuk :( dan saya selalu dapat email: , padahal kmrn masih bisa masuk ke spam folder (yahoo), skg malah ga masuk sama sekali :confused:

dgn subjek: Warning: message 1MEBya-0001ru-EE delayed 24 hours

mohon petunjuknya...

masuk spamhause?
cek di

jika ya coba minta delist

dan kalo udah nggak lagi coba isi form yahoo:
masuk spamhause?
cek di

jika ya coba minta delist

dan kalo udah nggak lagi coba isi form yahoo:

ok, sudah tak coba cek ke:
IP Address Lookup:
not listed in the SBL
not listed in the PBL
not listed in the XBL

trus sudah isi form

dan terkirim...

barusan tak coba email sudah bisa masuk ke yahoo mail, spam folder, trus biar masuk ke inbox sekalian gmn tuh pak?

apa harus isi form lagi yg ini...?

maaf newbie byk tanya... :o :eek:
kalau ga salah, di marked dulu bukan spam baru selanjutnya akan masuk ke inbox terus tanpa masuk spam. CMIW :p
No action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue for
some time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the message
remains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up,
and when that happens, the message will be returned to you.

Sebenarnya dari error ini sih, artinya sudah bisa dipasrahkan aja :D ..

Yahoo sangat tidak bersahabat dengan server shared hosting, kita bahkan menggunakan dedicated Mail Server untuk handel client area (WHMCS) dan mailing lainnya dibawah domain @magnet-id.com, masih juga kena defer oleh Yahoo. Baik sendmail dan postfix semua sudah pakai SPF, DomainKeys dan DKIM :(
kadang masih bisa masuk spam folder yahoo.

bahkan dikirim langsung dari gmail nya sendiripun kadang juga bisa masuk spam folder yahoo :confused:

biasanya email yg dikirim dari smtp gmail masuk ke spam yahoo kalo di dalamnya ada isi informasi tentang IP address, username & password :(

(dari pengalaman selama ini)
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