yang pakai CloudLinux ga perlu khawatir, karena pada dasarnya CL ini bukan based CentOS tapi RHEL. Di Q1 2020 mereka akan rilis ke publik.
Pengumumannya : https://blog.cloudlinux.com/announcing-open-sourced-community-driven-rhel-fork-by-cloudlinux
Sekarang sudah bisa diunduh untuk dicobain di link berikut ini. Sudah stable release
AlmaLinux OS Stable Release is live!
We are very happy to announce that today we are releasing the first AlmaLinux OS stable version. That’s right, you can go right ahead and download the stable version and use it everywhere you need a stable, reliable, Linux distribution. For some time now we also have the conversion script in our...almalinux.org
Wahh nice,Sekarang sudah bisa diunduh untuk dicobain di link berikut ini. Sudah stable release
AlmaLinux OS Stable Release is live!
We are very happy to announce that today we are releasing the first AlmaLinux OS stable version. That’s right, you can go right ahead and download the stable version and use it everywhere you need a stable, reliable, Linux distribution. For some time now we also have the conversion script in our...almalinux.org
Sekarang sudah bisa diunduh untuk dicobain di link berikut ini. Sudah stable release
AlmaLinux OS Stable Release is live!
We are very happy to announce that today we are releasing the first AlmaLinux OS stable version. That’s right, you can go right ahead and download the stable version and use it everywhere you need a stable, reliable, Linux distribution. For some time now we also have the conversion script in our...almalinux.org
Eh, di Indonesia ternyata udah ada 5 mirrornya. Ayo gesss, langsung disedot. Buat temen2 yang kelola mirror di Indonesia, boleh dong nitip nambahin repo AlmaLinux biar makin banyak alternatifnya
yum ganti jadi dnfWaduh, bulan kemarin sudah terlanjur pakai HP-CENTOS 8 di Wholesaleinternet, tapi ketika waktu saya install pertama kali saya memasukkan perintah "Yum Update -y" kok tidak jalan ya, tapi kalau pakai centos7 masih bisa bekerja. Kira kira faktor apa ya....