Review - Layanan Email Gratis

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Update 02/18/2015:
- 100% DNS update finished.
- Some older browser SSL issue has been solved.
- Web page compression improved.

Next Update (ETA: May 2015):
- CDN Improvement.
- Wmail logo di kertas saat print email.
- Gmail to Wmail auto-migrate.
- Bahasa arab, france, jawa dan cina.
- Wmail for business ( include mail forward ).
- (Business) Automatic SMS Notification after receive email ( pay as you go payment using Wmail coins ).
- And other :)
Wmail maintance has been finished.
We're very sorry about last night maintance, but we've finished it now.

There are few things we've fixed in last maintance:
- Wmail to Gmail email delivery issue
- File upload lags and other

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