Penyedia e-mail hosting gratis dengan custom domain

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Ini buktinya :
Sorry, this looks like a free domain or a subdomain, which cannot be automatically registered to decrease spam. If your domain was not free, contact [email protected] to add your TLD to the whitelist. If you would like to add an exception, you may send a donation of any amount to Pawnmail. Contact [email protected] or add a PayPal memo with your desired domain name or subdomain.
Domainnya :
Apa karena * itu dikira subdomain / free domain kali ya? Situ pakai pawnmail juga? memang buat apa?
paling sederhana pakai pawnmail, hanya daftar kemudian arahkan MX, lgsg bisa. cuma sayang gak bisa forwading mail ya.. gak nemu menunya, jadi saya pindah ke zoho
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