[FYI] Harga Baru Lisensi DirectAdmin

oot dikit,

kalo pake lisensi personal $2, minimum ramnya berapa ya untuk vps?

maaf pas liat web DA, udah ketemu jawabannya:

We highly recommend a processor of at least 500 Mhz even though DirectAdmin will run on slower systems. A minimum 1 GB of memory is required (2+ GB is preferred), with at least 2 GB of swap memory. A hard drive with at least 2 gigabytes of free space (after the Linux install) is also required. If you are expecting high traffic levels then you will need more memory, processor power, and hard drive space than we recommend here. Intel and AMD should work fine. Solaris/Sparc will not.
oot dikit,

kalo pake lisensi personal $2, minimum ramnya berapa ya untuk vps?

maaf pas liat web DA, udah ketemu jawabannya:

We highly recommend a processor of at least 500 Mhz even though DirectAdmin will run on slower systems. A minimum 1 GB of memory is required (2+ GB is preferred), with at least 2 GB of swap memory. A hard drive with at least 2 gigabytes of free space (after the Linux install) is also required. If you are expecting high traffic levels then you will need more memory, processor power, and hard drive space than we recommend here. Intel and AMD should work fine. Solaris/Sparc will not.

jangan lupa pakai swap
pas proses instalasi RAM 1GB ini kurang jika tanpa swap