Domain Extensi .gs Hilang tidak ada renewal periode.

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Hosting Guru
Saya punya domain 2 karakter

2,560 days old
Created on 2011-11-26
Expires on 2018-11-26
Updated on 2018-11-28

7 Tahunan lah dan sekarang hilang karena telat renewal 1 hari.

Ternyata katanya tidak ada periode renewal. Demikian sekedar info.

saya :Halo

Chat started
Ignatia joined the chat
Blake : joined the chat

Blake :Thank you for contacting How may I help you?
Ignatia left the chat
saya :where is my domain

support ticket 1491005

Blake :Okay one moment

Still looking

Sorry one more moment.

so after a bit of looking, I think .GS domains are one of those that skip redemption. We see that the domain has ServerHold
saya :domain expired 27 Nov

it should still renewal periode

Blake :Right, I am a bit surprised too

I think .GS skips redemption
saya :so how to renew that domain?

Blake :We also see that it doesnt have a 25 day grace period in the account even
saya :Failure Period
-1 day

Payment Period
-61 days

Deletion Restorable Period
28 days

Blake :Humm

Well I am getting conflicting information.

So there are two routes

we could do.

We could try a restoration but that would be $120 plus $55. renewal

You would put this into account credit. Then I would try to do the restoration.

The second route is to wait for the domain to become available again.

Want me to write you this in an email so we can track communication?
saya :yes ok.

Blake :Okay let me make that email right now

Any further questions?
saya :Maybe you should update information in this page about this case

Thank you.

Blake :Well, I can't promise you that this will work.

If the redemption doesn't work then we will refund the monies.

Still writing the email

This would be a total of $175.00.
saya :I just add $120

Blake :$120.00 restoration fee incurred by the registry, plus the cost to renew the domain $55.00.

Total $175
saya :done

Blake :Okay finally sent the email on your account.

Okay one moment while I work on this.


So I tried to restore the domain and our system does not allow it

I am going to decline the transactions totalling $175

and write you an email regarding this.

I just sent you the email.
saya :yes I just read it

no other way?

Blake :I also closed two other tickets that you sent.

No other way.

Our system will not allow the restoration.
saya :You dont mind I publish this case in forum?

Blake :I am not sure what you mean.
saya :I post this case in forum so I hope other peoper know that .gs no renewal periode


Blake :Ya, .GS is really weird, like .FR

it just skips redemption and shows ServerHold
saya :ok. Thank you.

Blake :So sorry to have failed. Thanks for chatting with us. We hope you have a great day!
sy cek di hasilnya spt ini :

Disana ada kolom "Redemption Expire Date" yg bertanggal 26 Desember 2018.

rasa2nya koq memang harusnya ada periode redemption, cuma mungkin memang software registrar-nya yg ada bug/problem terhadap root-domain .gs tersebut.

mungkin softwarenya harus ganti pakai liquid :36:
jangan2 mau di renew sama mereka :35: sayang banget udah 7 tahun
coba aja buat threadi di wht
jadi ceritanya telat renew terus mau ambil lagi ga bisa ya :39:
mana domain udah lama lagi (7 thn, 2 karakter)
wah sayang banget tuh om domainnya 2 karakter
kenapa gak set pembayaran otomatis untuk perpanjangnya biar gak lupa
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