Disk "Terlalu" Cepat, How?

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mungkin gak ada hubungannya kayaknya om


ini kan buat "backup data" ketika disk fail, masih nyimpen data selama beberapa jam

TS ini raid berapa yang Xeon X5670 dan yang E1240? mirror / striping?

kalau menurut spek, E1240, punya teknologi lebih baru daripada 5670
Iya, server gak ada BBU nya.
Betul, seri E-1240V2 tersebut teknologinya lebih baru dari X5670, tapi perbedaannya terlalu jauh. FYI, saya ada server dengan spek sejenis (E-1230 V3 RAM 32 HDD enterprise RAID 10), kalau pakai dd cuma dapat 300MB/s. Jauh dibanding 2GB/s.
Berikut kronologinya:
  • Ini server lama, pembelian 2012. Board X9SCL
  • Awalnya terinstall Centos 6.
  • Saat itu kalau cek pakai dd dapatnya standar lah. 200-300MB/s.
  • Install ulang pakai proxmox dengan step berikut kalau gak salah:
    • Setting RAID 1 melalui BIOS.
    • Masukin CD Proxmox 3.4, jalankan instalasinya.
    • RAID 1 yg disetting di BIOS tadi tidak terdeteksi, 2 hardisk muncul, harus memilih mau diinstall di hardisk yg mana. (Tidak seperti saat install Centos dulu yg mendeteksi RAID dari BIOS)
    • Ada pilihan setup RAID di proxmox, dipilih itu, next. Server tiba2 restart.
    • Sempet masuk BIOS lagi dulu, setting RAID di BIOS yang dibuat sebelumnya hilang. Ini yg aneh, Mungkin karena sebenarnya FAKE RAID.
    • Setup RAID lagi di BIOS.
    • Lanjut ke proses instalasi proxmox, yang tiba2 sangat cepat. Sebelum ini install proxmox beberapa kali tidak secepat itu.
    • Coba restore beberapa container,cepet banget selesainya.
    • Copy file beberapa GB juga cepet.
  • Akhirnya saya bingung dengan misteri ini sampai sekarang.
Berikut kronologinya:
  • Ini server lama, pembelian 2012. Board X9SCL
  • Awalnya terinstall Centos 6.
  • Saat itu kalau cek pakai dd dapatnya standar lah. 200-300MB/s.
  • Install ulang pakai proxmox dengan step berikut kalau gak salah:
    • Setting RAID 1 melalui BIOS.
    • Masukin CD Proxmox 3.4, jalankan instalasinya.
    • RAID 1 yg disetting di BIOS tadi tidak terdeteksi, 2 hardisk muncul, harus memilih mau diinstall di hardisk yg mana. (Tidak seperti saat install Centos dulu yg mendeteksi RAID dari BIOS)
    • Ada pilihan setup RAID di proxmox, dipilih itu, next. Server tiba2 restart.
    • Sempet masuk BIOS lagi dulu, setting RAID di BIOS yang dibuat sebelumnya hilang. Ini yg aneh, Mungkin karena sebenarnya FAKE RAID.
    • Setup RAID lagi di BIOS.
    • Lanjut ke proses instalasi proxmox, yang tiba2 sangat cepat. Sebelum ini install proxmox beberapa kali tidak secepat itu.
    • Coba restore beberapa container,cepet banget selesainya.
    • Copy file beberapa GB juga cepet.
  • Akhirnya saya bingung dengan misteri ini sampai sekarang.
Kalau tau bagi2 donk :71:
mantap banget ituh
Pake cache di ram aja cuman segini


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Kalau tau bagi2 donk :71:
Sampai saat ini masih misteri. :-D
mantap banget ituh
Pake cache di ram aja cuman segini
Iya Tuan, padahal itu server speknya gak bagus2 amat.
Kalau software RAID, bisa jadi Proxmox pakai ZFS.
Ada kemungkinan seperti itu. Tapi apakah ZFS sebagus itu? belum pernah coba ZFS sih, paling raiser aja yg pernah coba lebih cepat (tidak banyak) dari filesystem standar.
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berarti kalau ZFS, raidnya seperti di stripe ya speednya, makanya bisa cepet

Software RAID using ZFS
ZFS offers software RAID through its RAID-Z and mirroring organization schemes.

RAID-Z is a data/parity distribution scheme like RAID-5, but uses dynamic stripe width: every block is its own RAID stripe, regardless of blocksize, resulting in every RAID-Z write being a full-stripe write. This, when combined with the copy-on-write transactional semantics of ZFS, eliminates the write hole error. RAID-Z is also faster than traditional RAID 5 because it does not need to perform the usual read-modify-write sequence.[20]

As all stripes are of different sizes, RAID-Z reconstruction has to traverse the filesystem metadata to determine the actual RAID-Z geometry. This would be impossible if the filesystem and the RAID array were separate products, whereas it becomes feasible when there is an integrated view of the logical and physical structure of the data. Going through the metadata means that ZFS can validate every block against its 256-bit checksum as it goes, whereas traditional RAID products usually cannot do this.[20]

In addition to handling whole-disk failures, RAID-Z can also detect and correct silent data corruption, offering "self-healing data": when reading a RAID-Z block, ZFS compares it against its checksum, and if the data disks did not return the right answer, ZFS reads the parity and then figures out which disk returned bad data. Then, it repairs the damaged data and returns good data to the requestor.[20]

RAID-Z does not require any special hardware: it does not need NVRAM for reliability, and it does not need write buffering for good performance. With RAID-Z, ZFS provides fast, reliable storage using cheap, commodity disks.[20]

There are three different RAID-Z modes: RAID-Z1 (similar to RAID 5, allows one disk to fail), RAID-Z2 (similar to RAID 6, allows two disks to fail), and RAID-Z3 (allows three disks to fail). The need for RAID-Z3 arose recently because RAID configurations with future disks (say, 6–10 TB) may take a long time to repair, the worst case being weeks. During those weeks, the rest of the disks in the RAID are stressed more because of the additional intensive repair process and might subsequently fail, too. By using RAID-Z3, the risk involved with disk replacement is reduced.[21]

Mirroring, the other ZFS RAID option, is essentially the same as RAID 1, allowing any number of disks to be mirrored.[22]
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