CPanel Auto SSL detect IP lokal

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main shared ip nya berapa disetingan menu Basic cPanel WHM Setting ?

udah di set pake public ip mas
sekarang malah errornya ganti begini
10:26:04 AM WARN The domain “” has failed domain control validation (The system queried for a temporary file at “<a href=""></a>”, but the web server responded with the following error: 404 (Not Found). A <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> or web server misconfiguration may exist.). at bin/ line 449.
10:26:04 AM WARN The domain “” has failed domain control validation (The system queried for a temporary file at “<a href=""></a>”, but the web server responded with the following error: 404 (Not Found). A <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> or web server misconfiguration may exist.). at bin/ line 449.

setiap buka domainnya, masuk ke defaultwebpage.cgi


walah, sekarang semua dns zone kalo di reset, A record malah jadi ip local semua
mang servernya pake nat mode ya?
udah bener sendiri :38:
tadi jam 11 coba cek dari wifi kampus masih error, tiap rebuild dns masih nyantol ip lokal
barusan cek ternyata auto-ssl dah jalan, rebuild dns langsung nyantol ip public

majik :25:
udah bener sendiri :38:
tadi jam 11 coba cek dari wifi kampus masih error, tiap rebuild dns masih nyantol ip lokal
barusan cek ternyata auto-ssl dah jalan, rebuild dns langsung nyantol ip public

majik :25:
Wow it's magic... Hehhe... Kok bisa gitu ya?
Apa itu perlu ada proses propagasi / resolved IP juga gak ya di servernya?
bener2 gokil. magic
tapi ini ada masalah baru
curl ke domain yang dihost di server gak jalan
dan coba install nginx (engintron) selalu gateway timeout, dari apache gak ada 'data' ke nginx
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