nah sudah di jawab duluan
ikuti saja itu,

Account “username”: Account Restore Failed: “Failed to extract the archive at “/home/filebackup.tar.gz”: The tar archive extraction failed because of the error “The “/usr/bin/gtar” command (process 30894) reported error number 2 when it ended.”: pigz: skipping: <stdin>: corrupted -- incomplete deflate data /usr/bin/gtar: Unexpected EOF in archive /usr/bin/gtar: Unexpected EOF in archive /usr/bin/gtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now ”
coba di backup ulang, sepertinya masalah di file nyamantab tuan. tapi saya ada kendala ini. ada beberapa domain yang berhasil di restore. dan ada juga yang ga bisa. berikut pesan error nya.
ada solusi ?Code:Account “username”: Account Restore Failed: “Failed to extract the archive at “/home/filebackup.tar.gz”: The tar archive extraction failed because of the error “The “/usr/bin/gtar” command (process 30894) reported error number 2 when it ended.”: pigz: skipping: <stdin>: corrupted -- incomplete deflate data /usr/bin/gtar: Unexpected EOF in archive /usr/bin/gtar: Unexpected EOF in archive /usr/bin/gtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now ”
Kalau saya tempo hari pakai jasa R1soft utk backup server lama dan migrasi ke server baru
Nah saya hadir disini. Ingin migrasi dari cloud shared hosting ke server saya. Mantap petunjuknya.
Tetapi apakah dengan melakukan proses pindah/migrasi ini bakal reset SEO dari nol?
harusnya gak ada hubungannya migrasi server dengan reset seo, kalo udah ke index ya masa dia ngilang