[ASK]VPS dijadikan SMTP

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saya tadi udah beli VPS Centos kawan.. mau disetting dijadikan Mail Server/SMTP aja.. mungkin besok mau coba ngesend 10rb mailist dulu katanya sellernya gpp asalkan tidak setiap hari ngirim 10rb email.. Mungkin saya kasih tenggang 3 hari an baru ngirim lagi
saya tadi udah beli VPS Centos kawan.. mau disetting dijadikan Mail Server/SMTP aja.. mungkin besok mau coba ngesend 10rb mailist dulu katanya sellernya gpp asalkan tidak setiap hari ngirim 10rb email.. Mungkin saya kasih tenggang 3 hari an baru ngirim lagi

Semoga sukses, tapi memang benar kalau IP vps rentan terkena blacklist
alasan sering disuspend sendgrid apa? untuk spamming? jika iya, kemungkinan juga anda akan disuspend ketika menjalankannya di vps
Setau saya ya sendgrid saya hanya bisa 500/day kalo lebih dia masuk ke Prosessing dan ketika mencapai 7rb kirim langsung disable ..dan ga terkirim semua
Iya ni pak baru test pake email pribadi aja keblacklist .. tp kalo sender sama mail from saya ganti ga keblacklist.
Hmmm ada solusi ngga pak ?

coba kirim ke gmail, lalu 'show original' nanti kelihatan salahnya dimana
apakah di rdns, spf, dkim/domainkey, statusnya sudah 'pass' atau belum
tambah dmarc juga bagus
cek juga apakah ip-nya memang masuk blacklist, bisa cek di mxtoolbox.com
coba kirim ke gmail, lalu 'show original' nanti kelihatan salahnya dimana
apakah di rdns, spf, dkim/domainkey, statusnya sudah 'pass' atau belum
tambah dmarc juga bagus
cek juga apakah ip-nya memang masuk blacklist, bisa cek di mxtoolbox.com
Invalid SuperTool Syntax
IP not allowed. MX addresses must be a fully qualified hostname.
About the SuperTool!

All of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool. Input a domain name or IP Address or Host Name. Links in the results will guide you to other relevant tools and information. And you'll have a chronological history of your results.

If you already know exactly what you want, you can force a particular test or lookup. Try some of these examples:

(e.g. "blacklist:" will do a blacklist lookup)

Command Explanation
blacklist: Check IP or host for reputation
smtp: Test mail server SMTP (port 25)
mx: DNS MX records for domain
a: DNS A record IP address for host name
spf: Check SPF records on a domain
txt: Check TXT records on a domain
ptr: DNS PTR record for host name
cname: DNS canonical host name to IP address
scan: Perform a port scan on the host
whois: Get domain registration information
Get IP address block information
Get Start of Authority record for a domain
Verify an IP Address allows tcp connections
Verify a URL allows http connections
Verify a URL allows secure http connections
Perform a standard ICMP ping
Perform a standard ICMP trace route
Check your DNS Servers for possible problems New!
itu udah keblacklist ya ??
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