Penasaran yah? Okok gini ceritanya
Saya kan pake Object Storage untuk mirroring Backup server Whm dan Plesk, beberapa hari sih g masalah tapi kmarin saya cek, Storage usage nya kok 0% alias kosong, saya buka deh tuh detail Object Storage panel nya, lah bener bukan cm data yg hilang bahkan bucket saya dan malah nyuruh bikin New bucket
Saya email dah tuh contact dan hari ini baru jawab, eh bilangnya ada masalah diinfrastructurnya dan hanya bilang maaf tanpa ada pertanggungjawaban, hadeuh...
Ini jawabannya diemail
thanks for contacting us. We have investigated the issue you reported and discovered, that there has been an unusual and rare error in our infrastructure which affected your account. We are sorry to report, that as a result the data you already uploaded to your Object Storage has been lost.
We have identified the root cause of the issue and took action that neither this nor a comparable incident will occur again. We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused to you
If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Nataliia Gasko