Ada yg pakai litespeed server ?

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LiteSpeed server byk parameter yg bisa di-tweak. Berikut beberapa tips:

Configuration - Server - Tuning:
- max connection dinaikkan ke 2000
- connection timeout dikecilkan misal 120 seconds
- smart keepalive = yes
- enable brotli compression, level = 4
- enable QUIC

Configuration - Server - Security:
- static & dynamic requests per second = 10-20
- connection soft limit = 10-20
- connection hard limit = 20-30 (setting sesuai kebutuhan, untuk mencegah ddos dan abuse)
- block bad request = no (suka byk false positives)

Ditambah plugin LSCache sangat recommended utk mempercepat performance website dgn CMS WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, dll.
makasi infonya om :)
Kalau ada yg butuh license LiteSpeed dgn harga special, japri aja. Kita Platinum partner LiteSpeed jadi bisa dapat harga miring ;)

Oh yah, utk enable QUIC support di LiteSpeed, ada tambahan setting:
- buka port UDP IN dan OUT 443 di firewall (CSF)
- For EA4: Add following lines to /etc/apache2/conf.d/includes/pre_main_global.conf di WHM - Apache - Include Editor:

<IfModule LiteSpeed>
QuicEnable on
Kalau ada yg butuh license LiteSpeed dgn harga special, japri aja. Kita Platinum partner LiteSpeed jadi bisa dapat harga miring ;)

Oh yah, utk enable QUIC support di LiteSpeed, ada tambahan setting:
- buka port UDP IN dan OUT 443 di firewall (CSF)
- For EA4: Add following lines to /etc/apache2/conf.d/includes/pre_main_global.conf di WHM - Apache - Include Editor:

<IfModule LiteSpeed>
QuicEnable on
quic fungsinya apa OM ?
Saya install litespeed tapi gak setting2 lagi dari awal :) masih default.
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