Paling malas dapat update kernel harus reboot server baru kepake versi kernel baru, laporan uptime kembali dimulai dari 0 days. Delete old kernel lagi buat hemat disk
Tiap tahun suhu panas bumi terus meningkat perlahan, udh saatnya beralih pilih ke inovasi infrastuktur data center yang sudah Go Green, Ramah lingkungan, Rendah emisi industri, dan energi terbarukan untuk mengurangi jejak karbon katanya ?
On this page, you will find our Green Hosting Directory. For every country, the list starts with Partners: the hosting companies that provide proof of their green claims. This service is provided free of charge for green hosters that can be identified through AS numbers and/or IP ranges. Are you...
Sering di kontak dikasih tawaran krjasama dari Ad-mamvet, penawaran khusus menarik tp company asal suku israel dan org2 didalam suku israel jd gk bakal mau accept. Kmpret dah