WHMCS Cron Status Error

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Apprentice 1.0
Dear Tuan Tuan DWH,

mohon bantuannya, saya sudah hampir 2 minggu masalah ini belum fix,
awalnya phpverison di ganti oleh pihak hoster, lalu Cron Status Error di WHMCS. saya ubah lagi php version masih tetap tidak berjalan, saya sudah meminta bantuan kepihak hoster tapi masih tetap eror, dan memberitahu jika ada ketidak cocokan Encoder ionCube.
mohon solusi tuan
kalau versi ioncube hany bsa diganti dr rootny
cb minta install ioncube versi terbaru
pakai whmcs versi berapa?
ioncube yg sekarang ada versi berapa?
pake versi : 7.2.1 tuan,

untuk cek ioncube itu di mana ya tuan? saya pake reseller soalnya buakan root.

Update, skerang saya coba pindahkan folder crons ke folder WHMCS area terus saya coba jalankan namadomain.com/whmcs/crons/cron.php
setelah selesai, saya cek Cron Udah OK.

tapi gak tau besok apa masih ok statusnya
setelah status OK,

sekarang ada email masuk dengan subject " WHMCS Daily System Cron Attention Needed"

Your WHMCS is configured to perform the Daily System Cron during the hour of 9 am. However, the Daily System Cron did not execute within that hour as expected.

This may be due to the scheduled time specified in your web hosting control panel's cron entry. Please ensure your web hosting control panel executes the WHMCS System Cron (cron.php) at least once during the hour of 9 am.

If you have confirmed that setting, and you continue to receive this message, then please refer to the WHMCS Cron documentation to ensure you have itemized the appropriate command and any additional options.

Please contact WHMCS Support if you require further assistance.

ada yang tau cara fix nya tuan tuan :(
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