halo halo
barangkali ada yang mau nyobain share web hosting dari kita server USA dengan storage SSD web server apache + varnish yang dapat di akses sangat kencang,,
With Varnish cache, your website will load faster by default. You can also adjust whether to exclude your website or some path from varnish. Furthermore, Varnish also protect some brute force attack into wp-login, administrator page, etc.
paket web host 1
Disk Space 500MB SSD
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Addons
Unlimited Database
Unlimited Emails
bulanan Rp. 25.000
paket web host 2
Disk Space 1GB SSD
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Addons
Unlimited Database
Unlimited Emails
bulanan Rp. 50.000
Butuh Space besar ?? silahkan kontak saya
pembayaran melalui :
- Bank Mandiri
- Bank BRI
- Bank BNI
YM : viabilling
sms : 089623883325
barangkali ada yang mau nyobain share web hosting dari kita server USA dengan storage SSD web server apache + varnish yang dapat di akses sangat kencang,,
With Varnish cache, your website will load faster by default. You can also adjust whether to exclude your website or some path from varnish. Furthermore, Varnish also protect some brute force attack into wp-login, administrator page, etc.
paket web host 1
Disk Space 500MB SSD
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Addons
Unlimited Database
Unlimited Emails
bulanan Rp. 25.000
paket web host 2
Disk Space 1GB SSD
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Addons
Unlimited Database
Unlimited Emails
bulanan Rp. 50.000
Butuh Space besar ?? silahkan kontak saya
pembayaran melalui :
- Bank Mandiri
- Bank BRI
- Bank BNI
YM : viabilling
sms : 089623883325