Penipuan via email mengatasnamakan Google Apps

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Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
Selamat pagi semuanya..

Saya di sini cuman mau share aja, karena sempat kaget aja :43:dan aneh juga dapat email seperti di bawah ini
Ready to grow your business?
Hi ,

My reason for reaching out to you is that I noticed that you were approaching the 50 user limit for Google Apps, Standard edition.

We've heard from over 4 million businesses on Google Apps for Business, that having business-ready tools can be a major competitive advantage.

Why you’ll love Google Apps for Business -
24/7 customer support around-the-clock
Guaranteed uptime - 99.9% uptime SLA
3 times more storage than Google Apps - never delete with 25 GB of storage per inbox
Increased security - advanced virus and spam protection by Postini, Forced SSL and more
Opt-out of ads

We also have a new monthly billing plan available for only $5 per user per month, making upgrading easy.

Would you be available after 2pm this week to discuss this further?

Best regards,

Tarun Pant
[email protected]

Dan kemudian saya coba replya, eh ternyata eh ternyata.. :39: sent to nya ke (baru keliatan itu phising deh) hehhe cuman beda 1 huruf aja tuuh, riskan juga kalo kurang jeli bacanya.... :71: dan itu sama2 milik google lho, mereka ambil krn untuk menyelamatkan brand

sama lho : dan

jadi bingung ...
Oh iya ya.. sama, Hehehe gak tau deh jadi bingung juga... ini beneran atau ada oknum yg mengsalahgunakan?
Lagian kenapa juga penawaran tentang upgrade googleApps business ini harus pake dari domain yg pelesetan dari brand-nya.. jadi ya wajar dong kalo kita curiga...
dan gk ada salahnya kan kalo kita ini selalu waspada... :)
dapet juga, di reply to
user belum segituan..
kira2 dapet data emailnya dari mana ya..
apa ngecekin satu2 ya..dicari domain2 bagus terus dicek satu2 di google apps

apa di cpanel nya ada install google apps wizard ?
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