Apprentice 1.0
Salam master-master,
Saya mau tanya lagi nih.
Saya kan baru pindahan hosting dan saya coba check-check dengan intodns dan dnsinspect ternyata ada error "Glue".
Di Intodns:
Jawabannya dari sisi mereka semuanya beres dan itu hanya masalah propagasi.
Glue (Lem???) maksudnya gimana ya ?
Itu error yg fatal tidak ya ?
Mohon masukannya.
Terima kasih.
Saya mau tanya lagi nih.
Saya kan baru pindahan hosting dan saya coba check-check dengan intodns dan dnsinspect ternyata ada error "Glue".
Di Intodns:
Looks like the A records (the GLUE) got from the parent zone check are different than the ones got from your nameservers. You have to make sure your parent server has the same NS records for your zone as you do.I detected some problems as follows:
For the parent reported: [''] and your nameservers reported: ['']
For the parent reported: [''] and your nameservers reported: ['']
Sedangkan di Dnsinspect:For the parent reported: [''] and your nameservers reported: ['']
For the parent reported: [''] and your nameservers reported: ['']
Glue Check
FAIL: Found differences between information provided by your authoritative name servers and glue provided by the parent name servers: @parent=[] @ns=[]
The glue provided by the parent name servers has to match the data provided by the authoritative name servers.
Saya sudah tanyakan ke pihak hosting. FAIL: Found differences between information provided by your authoritative name servers and glue provided by the parent name servers: @parent=[] @ns=[]
The glue provided by the parent name servers has to match the data provided by the authoritative name servers.
Jawabannya dari sisi mereka semuanya beres dan itu hanya masalah propagasi.
Glue (Lem???) maksudnya gimana ya ?
Itu error yg fatal tidak ya ?
Mohon masukannya.
Terima kasih.