[ASK] WHMCS Setting: Harga pada Custom Field

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Beginner 2.0
mau nanya lagi nih tuan, gimana caranya kasih harga di custom field whmcs, supaya bisa terhitung di invoice.
misal jika ingin tambah 1 IP, maka dikenai 1$, 2 IP 2$, dsb
oh, di situ ya pak, kirain di custom field, caranya gimana ya? lalu sama di addon bedanya apa juga ya? maaf newbie banget, baru otak atik whmcs

ini pernah kejadian, tp saya lupa heheh...

klo ngliat di dokumen halaman whmcs kayak gini:

When should I use configurable options instead of addons?
  • If you want to offer a choice of options for a single thing - for example Disk Space, Operating System, Locations, etc...
  • If you want the total amount to be billed as a single item and not seperately
  • When you want the billing cycle of the addon to match the billing cycle of the product
When should I use addons instead of configurable options?
  • If the item is a one off service
  • If it can be selected independantly of other items
  • If it should be billed on it's own cycle - eg. a dedicated IP might be billed annually regardless of the package cycle
ini pernah kejadian, tp saya lupa heheh...

klo ngliat di dokumen halaman whmcs kayak gini:

When should I use configurable options instead of addons?
  • If you want to offer a choice of options for a single thing - for example Disk Space, Operating System, Locations, etc...
  • If you want the total amount to be billed as a single item and not seperately
  • When you want the billing cycle of the addon to match the billing cycle of the product
When should I use addons instead of configurable options?
  • If the item is a one off service
  • If it can be selected independantly of other items
  • If it should be billed on it's own cycle - eg. a dedicated IP might be billed annually regardless of the package cycle
jadi kira-kira configurable itu buat "tambahan yang melekat terus" sedangkan addon itu buat "tambahan suka-suka" gitu kah?
jadi kira-kira configurable itu buat "tambahan yang melekat terus" sedangkan addon itu buat "tambahan suka-suka" gitu kah?

imho, configurable cocok klo billing cycle nya sama dg produk. misal produk dg billing cycle 3 bulan, klo pake addon ga cocok, soalnya addon nagihnya per bulan. dan addon ini terpisah invoicenya, klo configurable jadi satu.

klo mau tahu perbedaannya langsung test saja, biasanya nanti yg paling kliatan disitu total price nya
oh, di situ ya pak, kirain di custom field, caranya gimana ya? lalu sama di addon bedanya apa juga ya? maaf newbie banget, baru otak atik whmcs

Taruh di Configurable Option lebih bagus dan apabila ada pelanggan minta tambahan produk / layanan setelah produk di create maka buatkan saja blank invoice one time payment, setelah pelanggan bayar ubah pada product/service utk tambahan layanan tersebut lalu sesuaikan harga utk tagihan bulan berikutnya...
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