(ASK) Website Wordpress lambat, apa penyebabnya?

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Beginner 1.0
Dear para mastah n sepuh DWH,

saya mau bertanya mengenai setting website, bbrp hari minggu ini saya mengerjakan website client, tp bgtu di upload ke hosting (hosting saya miliki sendiri), client mengeluh mengenai akses ke website nya terlalu lama, sudah dicoba oleh bberapa orang dng berbeda2 ISP dan browser.

Kira2 apa yang menyebabkan hal tersebut terjadi??

berikut forward email dari client saya :
Google Logo

http://www.vishnumurti.com/: Googlebot can't access your site

Over the last 24 hours, Googlebot encountered 2 errors while attempting to
retrieve DNS information for your site. The overall error rate for DNS
queries for your site is 50.0%.

You can see more details about these errors in Webmaster Tools.

Recommended action
If the site error rate is 100%:

Use a WHOIS tool to verify that http://www.vishnumurti.com/ has a proper
whois record and that nameservers are configured for the site. If not,
contact your domain registrar to update your whois records.
Using a DNS lookup tool, verify that the nameserver's name can be resolved
to an IP address. If not, either update your whois record to contain an IP
address for your nameserver, or update the DNS records for nameserver.
Using a DNS lookup tool, verify that http://www.vishnumurti.com/ can be
resolved to an IP address. If it can't, update the DNS record for
http://www.vishnumurti.com/ on your nameserver.
If the site error rate is less than 100%:

The most likely explanation is that your nameserver is overloaded. Contact
your hosting provider and discuss the configuration of your DNS server and
the possibility of allocating more resources to your DNS service.
If your site redirects to another hostname, another possible explanation is
that a URL on your site is redirecting to a hostname that has a DNS
problem. Consider checking the links to which your site redirects and make
sure that the sites in your redirect links don't have any DNS issues.

After you think you've fixed the problem, use Fetch as Google to verify
that Googlebot can properly access your site.

Learn more in our Help Center.

Mohon sekiranya masukan dan saran dari para Mastah DWH, terima kasih
untuk loading full page pertama kali stlh di test oleh bbrp orang, itu butuh waktu 2 menit,

Gimana saya perbaiki mslh DNS nya itu yah om?
untuk loading full page pertama kali stlh di test oleh bbrp orang, itu butuh waktu 2 menit,

Gimana saya perbaiki mslh DNS nya itu yah om?

minta pemilik servernya yg benerin, kalau masih belum benar ya siap2 cari rumah baru
@all :

Saya gak tau apa yg saya lakuin ini bner ap engga heuhue,, cm kmrn saya coba edit DNS zone ny, lalu saya test di PC sndiri, tnyta wktu loadingny jd lebih cepet,,, n saya sudah info ke user saya, minta tolong di cek lagi sama dia, hnya blum dpt respon dri user saya,

mudah2an udah resolve yah... mksh buat para mastah yg udah bntu kasih saran ya, saya update lgi nti dsini :)
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