[ask] error sorry website gak muncul

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Beginner 1.0
Mau tanya nih para member *nthers*vrnet. nah ada domain saya beli di tempat lain .
saya instal WP pas diakses kadang bisa, kadang not found gitu 404



sudah kontak penyedia hostingnya ?
mungkin habis pindahan/ganti ip atau teknis lainnya, tapi bagusnya tanya langsung ke providernya :)
lebih jelasnya coba kontak provider hostingnya saja
Coba cek filenya lengkap gak yg terinstall, dns bener belum, nama dan passwd database sesuai belum :)
Yg pernah saya alami salahnya ya sekitar itu :)
cuma dapat balasan suruh clear cookies, tapi tetep saja tidak bisa Tuan


It would appear that you're viewing a cached copy of your website, as when accessing the provided URL in my browser, the WordPress login area pulls up with no problems.

Please try clearing your browser cache, and if that fails, please try using another web browser. You may find that rebooting your PC will be effective, as this clears local/stale DNS cache as well.

Customer Services
Ethernet Servers Limited
Itu lagi masa propogansi dns nya dan jika sudah clear ns maka harus flush dns juga dgn:
  1. Click the start button and navigate to the command prompt (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt)
  2. Make sure that you right click on the command prompt application and choose "Run as Administrator"
  3. Type in the command ipconfig /flushdns
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