[ask] Blok Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

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no one initiates DDoS attacks from single IP address nowadays.

Attackers simply use thousands of Zombie's to launch DDoS attack on a specific website and you can't block all those Zombie's as they are victims of Virus on their computer's. One best solution I use is to point A records of the victim website to for couple of hours. This will reverse the DDoS on the Zombie's and their systems get into trouble. This helps them to locate Trojan's on their computers and most of them try to fix those to make their systems get back to normal.

tips yang sungguh sangat pintar.. asalkan kita tahu yang DDoS di tujukan kemana..
Tips dari EUKHost Forum

tips yang sungguh sangat pintar.. asalkan kita tahu yang DDoS di tujukan kemana..

mungkin ada tips lanjutan mengetahui pointing serangannya ke domain mana? :)

dulu saya pernah ngalamin tapi ditujukan langsung ke IP address, jadi cara menghentikan serangannya cuma dengan pindah IP atau pindah server :(
kemaren2x punya kenangan buruk sama dDoS, nyerang dnsnya kita, semua core router kita load systemnya 90-100% gara2x serangan dDoS mau ga mau routingan ke dns server kita, dilepas dari core router.. :(.. dan minta ke upstream utk blok ip yg nyerang, server kita diserang di port 53 protocol udp. sekarang sih udah normal lagi..
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